Seven Minerals Organic Aloe Vera Gel Review

Seven Minerals Organic Aloe Vera Gel

When you think of aloe vera gel, you probably think of that super thick jelly-like substance that is an unnaturally bright green color. It is often marketed as being the soothing cure-all for red and painful sunburn that can help cool red and inflamed skin and make it feel better after being out in the sun for too long without any or enough protection.

This Organic Aloe Vera Gel Was Featured on Our 5 Best Aloe Vera Gels for Skincare Article.

While it is marketed as a natural product made with natural aloe vera, the exact opposite is true. That green goop is filled with heaps of toxic chemicals that are doing a lot more harm to your skin than good. These gels typically have a very low level of actual aloe vera and are mostly fillers, preservatives, artificial colors, and synthetic fragrances. These types of ingredients can actually irritate your skin and pain is burn and feeling painful and tingly.

When you have a sunburn or other skin abrasion, you do not want to add harsh and irritating chemicals to the mix. It is just going to make matter worse and feel painfully uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is important to find a natural aloe very gel that is not filled to the brim that chemicals that can cause a lot of irritation. You want to find something as natural as possible. This means you want pure aloe vera without synthetic thickeners, added dyes, unnatural fragrances, and other ingredients that are going to make your skin hurt.

You also want a high level of aloe vera in your gel as well, so you are getting a concentrated amount of the natural plant extracts for your skin because this is the ingredient that is actually going to heal and soothe your skin.

In this post, we will take a look at a great option for an organic aloe vera gel that is not filled with chemicals, uses the highest quality organic aloe vera possible, and will actually soothe and heal your skin. Seven Minerals organic aloe vera gel is the only aloe vera gel you will need!


Seven Minerals aloe vera gel is made with organic aloe vera that is gown in the USA in Texas. It is grown in certified organic fields and is the highest quality aloe vera possible. The aloe vera is harvested just for Seven Minerals. They use freshly cut aloe vera plant leaves to make their aloe vera gel and the aloe does not come from a powdered version like many other brands on the market.

Since it is harvested from the fresh aloe vera leaves, that means it is some of the strongest, most concentrated, and powerful aloe gels on the market. Since it is so concentrated it is recommended that you test the gel on your skin somewhere discrete, so you can ensure you will not be sensitive to the products higher concentration.

Seven Minerals Organic Aloe Vera Gel 100% Organic

We also love the fact that there are no synthetic thickeners in this aloe vera gel. You will not even find xanthan to thicken this product. Natural seaweed extract gives the product a little bit of thickness, but not too much. There is also no carrageenan in the product.

Due to its natural ingredients, the aloe vera gel is able to absorb into the skin quickly and never leaves any sticky and unpleasant residue on the skin. Since it is not sticky and tacky, it makes for a great natural and lightweight face moisturizer and works perfectly on the face when you have sunburn on your sensitive skin.

This gel is also great for keeping your skin clear, making your skin feel soft, and it can even work to fade dark spots on the skin from acne, age spots, and more. Aloe vera gel can be used in so many different ways, the possibilities are truly endless. You can even use the aloe vera gel on your hair to keep is soft, healthy, and frizz-free!

If you are looking for a natural and organic aloe vera gel that is highly concentrated, has a limited number of ingredients, and will work to heal your skin from sunburn, rashes, abrasions, or any other skin condition, this is a must-try product that so many happy users swear by.

With some of the purest aloe vera on the market, you can always feel confident that you are getting a high-quality product that is not filled with tons of fillers or any chemicals at all. We highly recommend that you give Seven Minerals Organic Aloe Vera Gel a shot, so you can see and feel the difference in quality for yourself!

This article was last updated on May 6, 2022 .

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