How to Clear Acne Naturally (4 Treatments)

Raw Honey

There are so many different ways to can clear acne naturally and without having to make multiple trips to the dermatologists office. Trying to clear acne with medications, internal and/or external, can cause more damage to your body and your face than you may expect. Often times, many people’s acne can even get worse with the application of tons of different acne products. Putting more things on you face and in your pores can have the opposite effect of that you are looking for.

That is why many people decide to turn to natural skincare and acne treatments when conventional medical treatment doesn’t work. Deciding to use natural skincare means you are putting less chemical concoctions on your face, are using simple and pure acne fighting ingredients, and it is often significantly cheaper, especially if you do not have insurance. Going to a dermatologist without medical insurance can run your hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

Below is a list of the most powerful and effective acne treatments you can do at home to help clear up that stubborn acne and those unsightly breakouts. Using high quality natural and organic face oil can also reduce acne. Check out our post on the benefits of face oils here, and the top 5 best options.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is a powerhouse natural ingredient that is great for fighting acne naturally. It helps fight multiple kinds of bacteria, which is often what is responsible for acne and pimples. It also contains organic acids which help fight off acne as well. Succinic acid in ACV is particularly powerful for fighting acne. It helps suppress inflammation causes by pimples. Furthermore, it soaks up the excess oils in your skin. Use raw organic ACV for best results.

Click here for an easy way to make your own applie cider vinegar face toner.

Zinc Supplement

Zinc Supplement

Zinc is another wonderful natural acne fighting supplement that is easily to find in all stores and is inexpensive. Studies have shown that people who suffer from acne tend to have lower levels on zinc in their bodies. Therefore, taking zinc in an oral supplement can help combat this issue. Choose a zinc picolinate option between 30-45 mg per day.

Raw Organic Honey

Raw Honey

Honey is a powerful natural antioxidant that is great for clearing up skin. Studies have found that applying antioxidants to the face and skin are more effective at eliminating acne than many common acne medications like benzoyl peroxide. Raw honey will also fight the bacteria that cause acne and help reduce inflammation.

Click here for an easy way to make your own raw honey and avocado face mask.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Use a pure and therapeutic grade tea tree essential oil is another way to reduce acne and pimples. Much like the above remedies, it fights inflammation and fights acne-causing bacteria. There are no adverse effects of using tea tree oil and studies show applying tea tree oil at 5% will effectively reduce acne after 3 months of use.

This article was last updated on May 6, 2022 .

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